Friday, June 22, 2007

ZERO - Eastern Michigan University's Cover Up

Friday, June 22, 2007 - A ZERO award goes out to Eastern Michigan University for their lies and coverup of a campus murder.

Numerous media outlets reported this week the story of the death of college student Laura Dickinson in December 2006. At the time, the college announced that foul play was not suspected.

All the while, college officials knew the truth--there was a murderer loose on the college campus. It took two months before the truth came out--a fellow student was arrested for her murder.

The shocking fact is that not even the parents were aware of the true nature of the crime. After they buried their child thinking it was natural causes that killed her, the shocking admission that their daughter died a brutal death at the hands of a campus killer finally was known.

Now it's finger pointing time on campus.

Fortunately, an independent report gets to the truth of the matter:

  • school authorities withheld information,
  • deceived the public
  • and potentially violated a federal law designed to warn students of campus safety threats.

Although college administrators can not be responsible for every action of every student, they have an obligation to "do the right thing".

Source: Washington Post

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